Supporting the Art community

Certification for classical artists

A recognizable independ label and certificate of ability linked to a personal profile for classical artists.


Supporter  badge for AI artists

A token to proudly display your support to the art community and for the fair use of AI in Arts.


A database of verified artists

For companies that seek trust in the originality and copyrightability of the artwork they purchase.


Services for companies

We provide audit services and Ethical AI certifications of support for companies developping or using AI.


Certificate for Human Artists

At Ethical AI, our main mission is to support the Art community through the challenges linked to the rise of generative AI technologies by providing human-verified artistic capabilities through a standardized certification program and a unique identifier for Human Artists.


Involving AI users and synthographers

At Ethical AI, we believe that AI users, synthographers and artists of all kinds can find their place in the art community. By supporting Ethical AI, you can proudly display your badge of support for the Art community and gain acceptability for your work and creativity.

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How Classic Artist use their badge

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Certified companies support Ethical AI


What our Clients and supporters say

“Place Holder”

“Place Holder”

Anna Johnson
Independant artist

“Place Holder”

Eric Black

“Place Holder”

John Collins

Get certified as an artist or get your supporter badge now ! It will only take a minute

Our Awesome Team

Ethical AI assembles a team of skilled professionals in the fields of AI, Art and ethics and an awesome team of dedicated volunteers to ensure to actively support the Art community.

Benmoussa Abderrahim, Ph.D.

Co-founder & Director

Founder and instigator of Ethical AI, Abderrahim is a scientist by trade and an artist at heart, with years of experience in nonprofits, ethics, IDE and AI

Jane Brown

Co-founder & COO

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Erika Black

Marketing Director

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George Mayer

Creative Director

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Human Artists certified




Professional partners

Latest News

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Development Plan:

This development plan will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure that we are meeting our objectives and adapting to the changing needs of the art community.[…]

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January 18, 2023 0

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